Counting Counting change
That is not a typo! Let me explain…
I picked up SICP where I left it a few months back in §1.2 which deals with different behavioural patterns of processes generated by procedures (or functions). A very familiar such pattern of computation is tree recursion. Consider the following problem which exhibits this pattern in its solution.
Q. How many different ways can we make change of $100.00, given half-dollars, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies?
A recursive solution should be easily apparent. The number of ways to change amount a
using n
kinds of coins equals
- the number of ways to change amount
using all but the first kind of coin, plus - the number of ways to change amount
a − d
using alln
kinds of coins, whered
is the denomination of the first kind of coin.
This can be expressed in Scheme. (Here’s a quick tutorial from my previous blog
(define (count-change amount) (cc amount 5))
(define (cc amount kinds-of-coins)
(cond ((= amount 0) 1)
((or (< amount 0) (= kinds-of-coins 0)) 0)
(else (+ (cc amount (- kinds-of-coins 1))
(cc (- amount
(define (first-denomination kinds-of-coins)
(cond ((= kinds-of-coins 1) 1)
((= kinds-of-coins 2) 5)
((= kinds-of-coins 3) 10)
((= kinds-of-coins 4) 25)
((= kinds-of-coins 5) 50)))
SICP now asks us some questions about this procedure as seen below.
The title of this blog owes itself to the second sub-question which asks us to find the number of steps of computation required to finish a single call to the count-change
procedure. We will be counting the number of steps taken to count change 😎.
Let’s look at (a part of) the tree generated by (cc 11 5)
(cc 11 5) -- (cc -39 5)
(cc 11 4) -- (cc -14 4)
| __ (cc -9 3) ...
| /
(cc 11 3) -- (cc 1 3)
| \__ (cc 1 2) ...
| ______ (cc 1 2) ...
| /
(cc 11 2) -- (cc 6 2)
| \______ (cc 6 1) ...
| ________ (cc 9 1) ...
| /
(cc 11 1) -- (cc 10 1)
| \________ (cc 10 0)
(cc 11 0)
Observe the horizontal paths generated by each node of the form (cc 11 n)
. We can generally say that an amount a
from each (cc a n)
is repeatedly subtracted using the denomination d(n)
$a−k×d(n) \leq 0$ for some $k$, or creates (cc a n-1)
Drawing the tree for the general case (cc a n)
for amount a
, number of denominations n
and a denomation function d(n)
, we get
a,n -- a-d(n),n -- a−2×d(n),n -- a−k×d(n),n -- a−(k+1)×d(n),n
| | | |
| | | |
a,n−1 a−d(n),n−1 a−2×d(n),n−1 a−k×d(n),n−1
where $a − k × d(n) > 0$ and $a − (k + 1) × d(n) ≤ 0$. From these, $k = ⌈a/d(n)⌉ − 1$.
Using this tree, we are now better situated to answer Ex. 1.14. Let us define the following resource usage notation for the count-change
procedure with input amount a
and pre-set denominations n
- $R_s(a,n)$ measures the memory space required by the process
- $R_t(a,n)$ measures the number of computation steps to complete the process
The space required by the count-change
procedure is simply the height of this tree and grows as $Θ(a)$ with a. The longest path is made by using only pennies.
$R_s(a, n) = Θ(a)$ ✅
The number of steps required to complete a single call to count-change
is the number of internal vertices of the general tree we just drew. Let’s break it down.
First, we have the termination case where n
is 0. This counts as a single computation step.
For an amount a
, number of denominations n
and a denomation map d(n)
- we process the
(cc a n)
node, - there is at most $⌈a/d(n)⌉$ times you can subtract a denomination from it before it reaches a negative value or zero,
- there are $⌈a/d(n)⌉ - 1$ subtrees for each denomination
Therefore, we can write,
\(R_t(a, 0) = 1\)
\(R_t(a, n) = 1 + ⌈a/d(n)⌉ + Σ_{i = 0}^{⌈a/d(n)⌉ − 1} R_t(a − i × d(n), n − 1)\)
Note that there are $⌈a/d(n)⌉ − 1 = Θ(a)$ steps of creating subtrees with denomination n-1
. The process of creating a subtree for n=0
is $Θ(1)$, which gives us $Θ(a)$ growth for $R_t(a, 1)$. This is intuitively true because there are $⌈a/1⌉$ repeated subtractions in such a single-chain subtree. These nodes have corresponding termination nodes attached of the form (cc a 0)
. In total, we have
$R_t(a, 1) = 2⌈a/1⌉ + 1 = Θ(a)$
From this, it’s easy to conclude that the steps required for count-change
grows as
$R_t(a, n) = Θ(a^n)$ ✅